
Nothing & Nowhere - Emily Haines


Emily Haines(1974年1月25日出生于印度新德里,成长于加拿大)是加拿大多伦多独立摇滚乐队Metric的女主唱,也是一个女低音歌唱者。 emily hainesEmily Haines的父亲是加拿大著名爵士诗人Paul Haines,她的妹妹是加拿大电视台记者Avery haines,兄弟是Tim haines.从小受到父亲艺术气息的熏陶,她继承了父亲的才气,歌声极富张力,醇厚。她早期受到carla bley的影响。

Emily Haines 有股年轻女子才有的暴发力,却带着一股执着的天真劲。而声音也出奇的甜美。在清洁里她在舞台上的发型和自在表演更是让人倍增好感。


Sketch of your faces I still don't know you, 
aren't permanent, permanent.
You want all of our moments stolen, 
blind alleys and hallways to basements.
How are you gonna hide till you disappear? 
Cos' nothing and nowhere is golden.

Apartments are cages
I still don't know what is permanent, permanent.
Maybe all my possessions were precious. 
Truth is, all my possessions I somehow lost 'em.
Been traveling so light, 
when we're floating by it seems nothing and nowhere is golden.

Some say we're lost in space, 
some say we're fallin' off the page
Some say our life is insane
but it isn't insane on paper

Playgrounds are graveyards

and all of our scars are permanent, permanent.
There's no replacement for places. 
I'll always love you, you're mine. 
Numb is the new high, 
all memories die out 'till nothing and nowhere is golden.

Some say we always only wanna get off, 
some say our hands are much too soft.
Some say our life is insane but it isn't insane on paper.
Some say our hair is in our eyes, 
some say we're out of our little minds. 
Some say our life is insane but it isn't insane on paper to ah ha ha ha ha. 
Have to ask.


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