
All This Love - Angus & Julia Stone


来自地球的南端、当今全球最受欢迎澳洲新生代流行乐团二人组,安格斯和茱莉亚(Angus & Julia Stone)是由一对澳洲姊弟所组成的双主唱乐团;姊姊-茱莉亚.史东(Julia Stone)出生于1984年,茱莉亚清新慧詰、甜美瑰丽,有著温柔纯净的梦幻嗓音、彷彿女孩般天真稚嫩的独特呢喃唱腔,脸上永远带著一抹浅 浅的微笑;弟弟-安格斯.史东(Angus Stone)出生于1986年,安格斯腼腆忧郁、俊秀有型,有著触动心灵的细腻嗓音,温暖感性的歌声中透露些许桀傲不羈的音乐人文特质。



You find a way there and I will never ask
I will follow you
I will follow you
You be the night sky and I will be the stars
I will follow you
I will follow you
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it now
You take the high road and I will come along
I will follow you
I will follow you
Bring me the ocean and I will bring you song
I will follow you
I will follow you
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it now
All of me is all for you all for you
You're all I see
All of me is all for you all for you
You're all I need
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it
There's all this love if you need it now


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