
Reason with Me - Sinéad O'Connor


爱尔兰另类摇滚歌手——辛妮欧康纳Sinead O'Connor

一个特例独行如魔鬼般的天使:辛妮迪·奥康纳,她孤傲、倔强、任性、我行我素......集才华、灵性、狂傲于一身.辛妮欧康纳 90年代最具个性并最富争议的流行音乐巨星之一在整个十年里涌现的无数女歌手中,她无疑是最具有影响力的。孤傲直率的言辞、倔强的光头、愤怒的面容以及不修边幅的行头---矛头直指长久以来大众心目中女性柔弱性感的形象。Sinead彻头彻尾地改变了摇滚女乐手的形象,坚称自己决不是性感偶像而是严肃的艺术家……爱尔兰女歌手辛妮德不仅能写能编,而且唱腔领域宽广,加上爱尔兰人特有的倔强和灵性,使她成为一位独具风格的惊世骇俗的摇滚女歌手,在20世纪80年代末90年代初可谓享誉全球。


Written by Sinéad O'Connor

Hello, you don't know me

but I stole your laptop and I took your TV

I sold your granny's rosary for 50 p

And I even pulled an old hijack

said I had a hypodermic in me backpack

but I was only bluffing

Oh, so long I've been a junkie

I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys

I really want to mend my ways

I'm gonna call that number one of these days

It's not too late

I'm the one who sits in the backroom

I'm the one who doesn't know how to have fun

I'm the one to smoke amiss all around me

'Cause I don't like no one around me

'Cause if I love someone, I might lose someone

Oh, so long I've been a junkie

I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys

I really want to mend my ways

I'm gonna call that number one of these days

I'm gonna reach a hand out to you

say , would you pull me up, now could you?

I don't want to waste the life God gave me

and I don't think that it's too late to save me

It's not too late

Reason with me

Let's reason together

Reason with me

Let's reason together

Reason with me

Let's reason together

Reason with me


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