
Echoes - Chandeen


Chandeen在1990年由Oliver Henkel和Harald Löwy建立, 第一个歌手是伊朗血统的Aline Akbari,于1991年加入,第二个歌手,大家熟悉的Antje Schulz在1992年加入,她们二位就是乐队最初两年的主唱。同一年Oliver Rösch建立了着名的天音厂牌Hyperium,并且有幸听到了Chandeen的音乐,他们拿到了一纸合约,开始录制Shaded By The Leaves,在此期前Aline Akbari离队,代替她的是Catrin Mallon。 

1994年秋天Oliver Henkel和Harald Löwy搬到了丹麦的日德兰半岛,由此激发他们的创作灵感,仅仅6星期,Jutland就完成了,它的大气甚至感染了整个德国地下音乐圈,并且开创了一种全新的,富有影响力的风格,被喻为当时“近年来最好的音乐专辑”,其中的Ginger,Strawberry Passion等作品之华美动听是无可代替的。


I'm calling for you, for you
And I'm falling for you, for you(Repeat)
The world outside
There lies in peace
The echoes of your tender voice
Still haunted me
Until the dawning of the day
I still can't find no sleep
The loss of you it has to hurt
Take comfort in my weep
I dry my tears in memories
But joy and sorrows
They're leading me
My childhood days � so out of sight
Wish you could be with me
And not so far away
From my brightest day

热度 ( 5 )

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