
Speaking a Dead Language - Joy Williams

Joy Williams 出生在一个虔诚的基督教家庭。Joy的父母都在政府部门全职工作,她的父亲是当地一个基督教协会的执行董事。Joy后来进入了加州圣何塞(San Jose)的山谷基督教中学(Valley Christian High School),并且在毕业时成为了代表大家作毕业致辞的人。

在拒绝了起初的几个offer后,Joy在17岁时与一家Reunion Records唱片公司(一家基督教音乐公司)签了唱片合约。从18岁开始,她先后发行了三张福音专辑:Joy Williams (2001), By Surprise(2002), and Genesis(2005),销量超过250,000张。由于她在基督教音乐上的成就,Joy已经获得过11次基督摇滚音乐和平鸽奖(GMA Dove Award)的提名,包括年度最佳女歌手提名和年度最佳歌曲。

2009年Joy还发布了一对双子专辑:Songs From This 和 Songs From That。前者中的歌曲Sunny Day被精选在连续剧90210中,而后者中的歌曲Speaking A Dead Language被精选在《实习医生格蕾》中。Sunny Day也在一个荷兰的商业广告中出现,这使得Joy在荷兰也相当出名。


We built a tall, tall tower
Towards the sun, towards the sun
Took some words and built a wall
And called it love, called it love
Somewhere in all the talking, the meaning faded out

Oh, I wonder when did it all stop making sense?
I don't understand
I remember, we were so sure, so innocent
Oh, but that was then
Can we ever go back again?
Can we ever go back?

You're speaking a dead, dead language
You don't sound like yourself
I hope it's just lost in translation
So why don't you show, don't try to tell
Brick by brick, we started crumbling
Will I find you when it falls?

Oh, I wonder when did it all stop making sense?
I don't understand
I remember, we were so sure, so innocent
Oh, but that was then
Can we ever go back?

Don't hold your breath
Look around
Try to add it up, pin it down
But you can't

Oh, I wonder when did it all stop making sense?
I don't understand
I remember, we were so sure, so innocent
Oh, but that was then
Can we ever go back again?
Can we ever go back?


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