
Looking for a Protestation - Costanza Francavilla

来自意大利罗马被称为罗马女鬼的Costanza Francavilla——康斯坦茨·弗兰卡维拉于1995年就开始组乐队“Etnia”,Tricky在罗马一次演出后通过自己鼓手收到Francavilla的Demo后发掘到Constanza。Tricky认为她的唱功极为出色,而且Tricky的歌词和旋律都特别适合女声来演唱,所以Constanza就作为Vocal出现Tricky的专辑《Vulnerable》中。Tricky的专辑《Vulnerable》中之后在Tricky的《Vulnerable》中主唱了所有作品,并且参与了Tricky的演出。这次新专辑都是由Costanza自己独立制作完成,其中两首作品"Burqa"和"I've been waiting for you"还被收录进了美剧《CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION》第五季中。

开篇曲“looking for a protestation”里,Costanza的声音颓废慵懒,高潮部分的缓拍进一步放慢,并且融入了胶木唱片杂音,散发出浓郁的Trip-Hop味道。“burqa”和“i've been waiting for you”同样值得推荐,如果节拍再慢再重一些就更完美了。
国际报刊曾报道costanza 是“另类摇滚的新灵感” ,并提及她就像比约克和PJ哈维这种令人尊敬的女性艺术家一样。 
costanza更被人称为是神游舞曲大师,特立独行的音乐人。而且一度是Massive Attack(注1)成员的Tricky则称她为“我的女性翻版”. 


I don't ask you a question
I don't wanna your suggestion
It's willing
I'm revealing
Leaving it without confession
What's my destination
I'm looking for a protestation
It's a feeling
I'm leaving
Living it without obsession
You ain't gonna make me swallow
The water is too much shallow
Play the cello
Make me yellow
I'm gonna make you mellow
What's my destination
I'm looking for a protestation
It's a feeling
I'm leaving
Living it without obsession
Leaving it without confession
Living it without obsession
ComeOut of the sun
Into my arms
Come to me I wanna be your God
Out of the sun
Into my eyes'cause in me
I've already your son

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