
Barcelona  来自美国华盛顿州西雅图市的一支年轻乐队,成立于2005年。该乐队的歌曲较和谐、舒缓,以钢琴为基础加入摇滚元素。主唱嗓音美妙、空灵,触人心弦。

单曲《Please Don't Go》为美剧  《Lost》第六集中的插曲。


      All those arrows you threw, you threw them away

  You kept falling in love, then one day

  When you fell, you fell towards me

  When you crashed in the clouds, you found me

  Oh, please don’t go

  I want you so

  I can’t let go

  For I lose control

  Get these left handed lovers out of your way

  They look hopeful but you, you should not stay

  If you want me to break down and give you the keys

  I can do that but I can’t let you leave

  Oh, please don’t go

  I want you so

  I can’t let go

  For I lose control

热度 ( 2 )

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