
I've Got Your Number, Son - She & Him


Zooey 与 M. Ward 因某次为一部电影录制原声带歌曲而结缘,从小便醉心音乐、一心成为歌手的 Zooey,对 M. Ward 透露自己也不断在创作歌曲,M. Ward一听 demo 之下大为感动,两人一拍即合,随后立刻开始进行这张《Volume One》的制作。以爵士名伶 Ella Fitzgerald 为偶像的 Zooey,和 M. Ward 决定,以此张专辑向他们热爱的七、八○年代复古流行风致敬;Zooey 丰厚而高亢的唱腔,搭配 M. Ward 彷如信手拈来却又浑然天成的美好衬乐、与行云流水的编曲,红花绿叶,相得益彰,绝对是一次令人难忘的梦幻合作。

她和他,电影与音乐,才女与才子,复古与前卫,醇厚与沁透。「She & Him」正是一个充满如是对比、模拟、互喻的奇妙团体,由知名新生代女星 Zooey Deschanel 和感性挂帅的音乐才子 M. Ward 携手组成,令人惊讶的组合不但话题十足,并出的火花更是让人出乎意料地击节赞赏。


What's a man without all the attention?
Well, he's just a man.
Why do you think no one will hear what you've got to say.

Who am I without all your affection?
I'm a nobody, too.
I'm not at all, thing I love, but that's what I've got to pay.

And you can tell everyone, everyone
I've got your number, son.
Cause I can try my love, I can try my love onto.
Cause I can shine my love, I can shine my love on you.

I don't wanna spend night after night with you,
Well, you figured it out.
You're getting restless, I'm getting restless looking at you.

I don't wanna be rocking hard times
Cause I figured you out.
You're not a man who can understand anyone but you.

And you can tell everyone, everyone
I've got your number, son.
Cause I can try my love, I can try my love onto.
Cause I can shine my love, I can shine my love on you.

I sacrifice myself at the altar of someone else's love for me
No, that doesn't comfort me.

You think you can keep in the shadow
Well, you figure it out.
I've listened to enough of all your stuff to fill a book or two.

And you can tell everyone, everyone
I've got your number, son.
Cause I can try my love, I can try my love onto.
Cause I can shine my love, I can shine my love on you. 


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