
Overcome - Tricky


Tricky是一名叛逆者,在他眼里满是流露着对周遭不满的目光,所以过去他曾因不满而背弃了Massive Attack,背弃了Bristol音乐圈, 背弃了英伦。 这次他在美国跟DJ Muggs和Grease这两位Hip Hop监制携手炮 制的新专集Juxtapose却竟然是他自Maxinequaye以来最闪亮的一张唱片。

假设所有激进反叛的艺术家都往往会对周遭环境感到不耐烦且不安於现状的话, 那麽我会肯定Tricky就是拥有这样脾性的一名艺术家。 他的激进态度不是宣泄在其音乐上, 而是透过他对环境变更的追求所表现出来。

多年来,Tricky的唱片产量早已远远抛离了Massive Attack及Portishead等昔日Bristol音乐圈的同僚。 当别人每每是以慢功出细货的姿态制作唱片, 每张专集都是乐迷在望穿秋水的情况下面世, 对比之下Tricky就俨如一位患有躁狂症或过度活跃症的孩子, 似是从不会停下来般一年复一年的出版新专集, 作为他的乐迷根本无需要苦候他推出新作。 他的每一张唱片, 都是他把一些旧有的东西推翻后再为自己建立起的新环境因素, 也许他相信若要有新的火花出现就要背弃旧有的基制。 他的音乐进展图, 也显得像昆虫退壳的过程般, 因为他。


You sure you want to be with me

I've nothing to give

Won't lie say and this loving's best

Whoa, leave us in emotional peace

Mmm, take a walk take a rest, a taste of this

Don't wanna be on top of your list,

Monopoly improperly kissed

We overcome in sixty seconds the strength we had together

But for now, emotional ties they stay severed

And when there's trust there'll be treats

When we funk we'll hear beats


You and her, walking through the suburbs

No, not exactly lovers

You're a couple, 'specially when your bodies double

Duplicate and then you wait

For the next Kuwait


Jamaican aroma, karmacoma

You sure you want to be with me

I've nothing to give

Won't lie and say this loving's best

Whoa, leave us in emotional peace

Mmm, take a walk take a rest, a taste of this

Don't wanna be on top of your list,

Monopoly improperly kissed

We overcome in sixty seconds the strength we had together

But for now, emotional ties they stay severed

And when there's trust there'll be treats

When we funk we'll hear beats




热度 ( 3 )

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