
I'd Love To Kill You - Katie Melua

Katie Melua凯特·玛露生于1984年的东欧前格鲁吉亚苏维埃社会主义共和国。她在五岁前一直与祖父母住在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯,随后同家人一路从贝尔法斯特(8岁)、爱尔兰迁徙到伦敦(14岁)。因而 Katie Melua 会说格鲁吉亚语、俄语和英语。2005年8月10日,Katie Melua全家人成为英国公民。这也意味着她同时拥有英国,俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚三个国家的公民身分。

Katie拥有一种独特的嗓音,声线兼备蓝调民谣、爵士味道的Katie Melua,常被乐评拿来与Norah Jones相提并论。但她那相较甜美清澈的年轻嗓音,让人遥想起已逝的跨界流行爵士美声Eva Cassidy。


I'd love to kill you with a kiss

I'd like to strike you down with bliss

I'd like to tie you up in knots

until your heart stops

I'd love to kill you with a glance

I'd like to put you in trance

I'd like to drug you with my scent

And use you in the moment

I'd love to kill you as you eat

The pleasure would taste so sweet

I'd like to open up your skin

And wander there within

I'd love to kill you by a stream

Where no one can hear my baby scream

And then I'd run away and be free

The sweetest victory

I love to watch you in your sleep

Cause you don't have power over me

And when you're awake I'm undone

Under you spell, in hell



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