
Better Off - Lindsey Ray



她来自来自贝尔法斯特的沿海小镇,缅因州,生来具有的音乐感来自她的母亲和父亲双方的家庭。她的父亲,大卫Bachelder是当地的音乐家,他最喜欢Sinatra-like出名的嗓音和不可否认的人才。几乎每一个成员的父家林德西是有天赋的歌手弹钢琴而定。毫无意外的,Lindsey跟随他们的脚印前进。开始她的音乐之旅,而在高中的时候,是在1999年。她开始和其他合作制作公司在纽约市和经常花周末在漫长的公共汽车旅行,并从纽约市,用于记录的歌曲在录音室。她对音乐的热爱开车送她,她选择了离开的大学去追求她的事业。她搬到东橙色,新泽西州的工作与生产者,记录一个演示希望找到一份唱片。当记录演示版本,Lindsey是受新人歌手兼作曲家之托,例如:艾莉西亚·凯斯和印度阿里,参加了他们的仪器和编写自己的歌曲。她开始意识到她的欲望要写自己的歌,渴望能找到自己的声音。她很快搬回家到缅因州这么做。在缅因州回家的时候,她就开始演唱和演奏的钥匙在本地乐队,很快就被介绍给戴维·约翰逊,他是一位退休的生产者从费城。戴夫立即认出Lindsey的才华和潜能。他鼓励她最后以一蹦一跳,写自己的歌曲。然后,她把名字Lindsey Ray在舞台上的光线,以纪念她的祖父,雷蒙德Bachelder.


And so the question now you chose to ask
"Will it be better where we're going?"
And though the answer I don't know for fact
Still my heart is saying "Oh yes"

La dadadada dadada
La dadadada dadada
Better off
We'll be better off
La dadadada dadada
La dadadada dadada
Better off
We'll be better off with the start

And so the day may bring a bed of nails
And the night may whisper lonelies
But in the end we all just leave a stage
With one final curtain calling

La dadadada dadada
La dadadada dadada
Better off
We'll be better off
La dadadada dadada
La dadadada dadada
Better off
We'll be better off with the start

Bum bum bum bum bum badum badum
Bum bum bum bum bum badum badum
Bum bum bum bum bum badum badum
Bum bum bum bum bum badum badum

And so the question now you chose to ask
"Will it be better where we're going?"
And though the answer I don't know for fact
Still my heart is saying "Oh yes"


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