
Song For A Sleeping Girl - Devics



加州乐队Devics,一直有着颓废的美学倾向。以Dustin O'Halloran和Sara Lov为核心的Devics于1993年成立于洛杉矶,乐队成员还包括Ed Maxwell、Evan Schnabel。一开始就打算做自己的音乐的他们选择了独立摇滚的DIY路线。1996年,他们在以自己的资金注册的厂牌“Splinter Records”下推出了第一张大碟“Buxom”,Devics在独立乐队如过江之鲫的美国从第一次亮相起就拥有了完善的艺术风格和出色的表现力。


I had to taste
To see it close
But you are already there
Right next to me
How could you ever find
A better place to be
You are breathing slowly
I let you hold me
I left you so many times
While you were next to me
Your brown hair on the bed
I wanted you to see
This is a song
For a silent sleeping girl
She wants nothing
But to wake and find you there
The words you whisper
They fade in morning
And when I look at her
And her sleeping face
Her foot resting in mine
And then I know my place
This is a song
For a silent sleeping girl
She wants nothing
But to wake and find you there, you there


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