
You Do - Until June

Until June是一只成立5年不到的乐队,不过他们的历史却可以追述到上个世纪90年代的Arizona,Josh和 Daniel 是两兄弟,从高中开始,两人就常常一块切磋音乐。直到01年夏天的时候,他们到了Los Angeles,吉他手Dan加入了进来。开始在Hollywood附近的各舞台演出,从这时候开始,乐队进行了他们自身的创作,并在他们的摇滚乐中融入了流行,噪音等多种音乐元素! 


Mouths are moving
People talking slowly
In my ears
Another year goes

You stood up gently
Turned around
To face me staring back
"I'll see you sometime soon" 
If only I could see the way you do

The midnight air it blows
Between my fingertips
So cold
As I walk back inside

It's hard for me to understand
How you could die for me
When I fall short sometimes
If only I could see the way you do. 

If only I could see the way
And if only I could see the way you do


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